Auto Typer allows to use special keyboard keys such as Tab and Enter to automate filling in forms, typing in urls, and automate repetitive tasks on keyboard. Configure or Assign Keyboard Shortcuts for Auto Typer to type on keyboard automatically whenever shortcut key is pressed. Auto Typer Software Utility to type on keyboard automatically. The Keyboard Manager, when turned on, allows you to remap a key to press shortcut commands. It offers a lot of features like a Color Picker, FancyZones, and even a Shortcut Guide. Similarly, to press a sequence of keys just pass them in order.

For example, to automate pressing the letter 'a', use the command 'press a' (without quotes). To specify a single keyboard character, use the character itself. Enter, SpaceBar, BackSpace, Up Arrow, etc) many number of times. One of the most powerful free Windows utilities you can find is Microsoft PowerToys. To automate any keypress, you can use the press command. The Auto Keyboard Software Utility can be really handy whenever you wish to press a single key (e.g. Auto Keyboard Software Utility to automatically key in selected keyboard key any number of times on the press of a configurable shortcut key. Once Payment is complete, you will be able to use your email id as registration key to unlock the trial limitations of the will also receive an email from us containing registration key of the Auto Keyboard Software. Navigate to to know more about the software, learn how to use the software in a step by step manner and many more keyboard automation software utilities.EMail ID as Registration Key Once Payment is complete, you will receive an email from PayPal marked as Receipt of Payment. The Auto Keyboard sits silently in the system tray as an icon and works on XP, Vista, Windows 7, Windows 8, etc.

The controllers for Auto Keyboard allows you to configure the delay between multiple keyboard press and release events, allows you to control the number of keyboard entries to be simulated and even allows to keep on simulating the selected key on keyboard untill you stop it using a configurable shortcut key combination. The Auto Keyboard will automatically simulate the selected key press and key release on keyboard and will allow you to control the behavior of the Auto Keyboard Software Application. Use Auto Keyboard Software Utility for Windows whenever you need to press and release keyboard keys such as Enter Key, Backspace key, Tab Key etc. Easy and Simple Software application to automate key press and key release.